(Rules & Regulations)


  • Pupil- Teachers attendance report is prepared twice in a month 1st -15th and 16th -31st. As per the NCTE regulations and norms, minimum attendance of Pupil -teachers shall have to be 80% for all theory papers and 90% for practicum. (School internship etc)
  • If any In-service Pupil -Teachers is found irregular in attendance and not committed for the course he/she will be reported to the Director of School Education, and will not be allow for continuing the course.
  • If any compulsory programme for all the In–service Teachers is organise by the concerned department, all the In-Service-Teachers must apply leave in advance with official intimation letter from the department and order of the programme/Invitation Card should be attached.
  • Unauthorized/without prior permission absence for more than two days will lead to get warning/explanation call and if negligence the warning his/her name should be struck off from the registers.


In every semester the College organise One Day Orientation Programme for the StudentTeachers on the opening day of each academic session.

  • One day Orientation Programme for the Pupil-Teachers on the opening day of the academic session is mandatory to attend for every Pupil -Teacher. No leave shall be granted under any circumstances.
  • If any Pupil Teacher (newly admitted for B.Ed course) is found absent continuously three days from orientation day onward, the concern authorities will consider he/she is not interested in the course and the seat will be declared vacant. No complain or requests will be accepted.


Every Pupil -Teacher should join online class on time and punctuality will be strictly maintained.


  • The college will conduct two phase unit test in all the subjects for every semester.
  • Every Pupil -Teacher must appear all the Unit tests. If anyone found continuously absent in the Unit tests, he /she will be debarred from appearing Pre-Semester exam.
  • The College will conduct one pre-semester examination (selection exam for appearing Semester end examination conducted by NU) in a semester.
  • Every Pupil -Teacher must appear pre-semester examination. If any Pupil Teachers fail and found absent in pre-semester exam, he/she will be debarred from Semester end examination conducted by Purnea University.


  • Pupil -Teachers should perform properly and take-up the responsibilities and duties assigned to him/her and complete on time.
  • Each house and club members must participate and take active part in every activities and responsibilities assigned to them.
  • Every Pupil -Teacher should submit their assignment and activities on or before the last date fixed by the concern subject teachers. Submission of assignment and activities after the last date will not be accepted.


  • The College will organise two phase of Pre- internship during the course, 1st phase will be in semester one for two weeks and 2nd phase will be in semester two for two weeks.
  • Pre- internship is compulsory for every Pupil -Teacher. If any Pupil - Teachers is found absent or fails to complete actions will be initiated against him/her up to the extent of expulsion.


Pre- Practice teaching/Block teaching conducted by the Institution is mandatory for every Pupil -Teacher. If any Pupil - Teacher found absent or fails to complete it, he/she will not be eligible for school internship.


School Internship is mandatory for every Pupil -Teacher. If any Every Pupil Teachers failed to complete/found absent that is the END of his/her B.Ed course.


The following are the eligibility conditions for appearing semester end examination conducted by Purnea University.

  • Minimum overall final attendance report should be 80 percent.
  • In each semester there will be two phase of unit test, Pupil -Teachers should pass either the first/second phase of unit test.
  • All Pupil -Teachers should pass pre-semester examination conducted by the College.
  • A Pupil -Teachers need to pass either unit test or pre-semester examination conducted by the college with minimum 80% attendance. Pupil -Teachers need to fulfil all the above eligibility conditions for appearing semester end examination conducted by Purnea University. If any Pupil -Teachers fail to fulfil any of the given eligibility conditions he/she will not be eligible for appearing Semester End Examination conducted by Purnea University. No complaint and requests will be accepted.


  • Maximum six (6) days leave can be avail by Pupil -Teachers in a semester. After availing leave for six days in a semester no leave shall be granted under any circumstances.
  • To avail leave Pupil -Teachers must apply in advance.
  • Leave shall be granted except for unavoidable circumstances in the family and medical ground, but only for serious sickness/problems with approved medical treatment certificates. Without the approved medical treatment certificate leave shall not be granted under any circumstances.
  • No leave shall be granted to Pupils-Teachers for undergoing any regular courses/Distance courses/Correspondences courses, Short term courses etc or attending any programme like Orientation, Seminar, Workshop, short term training course and examination etc while pursuing B.Ed course programme.


  • College re-opening day/Semester Orientation Day.
  • Unit test days.
  • College Foundation Day cum Cultural Day
  • Graduation Day
  • College Social work days.
  • During the time of Field work and report presentation days.
  • College Field trip/Picnic.
  • During Pre- Semester examination.
  • During the time of Pre- internship and report presentation days.
  • During the time of Lesson Plan Workshop.
  • During the time of Teaching Aid /TLM Workshop and presentation days.
  • During the time of Block teaching.
  • During the time of School Internship.
  • Observation of National and International important days.
  • Any important programme organized by the College.
  • Dr. Azimur Rahman